I.Cl.S. - Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Members of the I.Cl.S. in Clematis International 2006

  1. Clematis The Montanas - John Howells
  2. Clematis - Akihito Kaneko
  3. The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 - Second Supplement - RHS

Clematis The Montanas - John Howells

A Book for Gardeners

Published in 2005 by Garden Art Press / Antique Collectors' Club Ltd, Sandy Lane, Old Martlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4SD, UK. 215 pages. ISBN 1 870673 51 4. Price £12.95

Reviewed by Marianne Fistarol

Clematis The Montanas - John Howells"The Montanas" is a birthday present to all of us! Clematis montana was brought to Europe in 1805 by Francis Buchanan. That event is celebrated by this book!

The book is based on decades of the author's experience with Montanas and Clematis in general. It sets standards in excellence and John Howells' enthusiasm will appeal to everyone with an interest in Clematis.

The first chapter covers the characteristics of the Montana group with a detailed description of the plant. Already here the outstanding pictorial value of the whole book is manifest, colours match and the sharpness is superb.

The author has had to work hard to gather all the historical features for the next chapter, which is full of fascinating data. The reader cannot help sharing the author's affection for history when he says that he shares the excitement of Buchanan, when he found his first Montana in Nepal. Also historical links always close the general description, technical data and photographs of each Montana.

Who of us was not yet confronted with plants with wrong labels?

As the author did in his former book about Viticellas, he shows us photos of flowers of the same colour and shape of different Montanas side by side, which is most helpful for identification.

A chapter with very promising introductions and little known hybrids of other Continents follows. The list consists of two categories: of plants not completely evaluated and plants not yet generally available.

The final part of the book includes full guidance on growing, maintenance and displaying.

Indeed the publishers rightly point out that their books are published "for collectors - by collectors - about collecting".

I am convinced, that this book will generate more Montana addicts!

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Clematis - Akihito Kaneko

Published in 2005 by Shufunotomo Co Ltd., 127 pages. ISBN 4 07 244239 9. Price Yen 1200 (so I believe)

Reviewed by Fiona Woolfenden

Clematis - Akihito KanekoAnother well presented small book from Akihito Kaneko. A good mix of European and Japanese clematis are illustrated by type in the section titled "A Pictorial Guide to Clematis".

In general, the photography is excellent. However there a few pictures of blue/purple clematis which suffer from the common printing problem of colour reproduction and are not quite a true representation of the actual flower.

The "What is Clematis" section gives examples of different types of clematis. Finally the section "Care of Clematis" is packed with information on planting, potting, training, pruning, propagation and pests and diseases.

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The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 - Second Supplement - RHS

compiled by Victoria Matthews, International Clematis Registrar.

Published in 2006 by The Royal Horticultural Society, 80 Vincent Square, LONDON, SW1P 2PE, Great Britain. Web site: http://www.rhs.org.uk/. ISBN not yet available. Estimated price about £4.50 + post & packing.

Information by Ken Woolfenden

The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 - Second SupplementI understand that the second supplement to "The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002" is ready for publication and will probably be available in late April or early May 2006.

The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 is a must for the bookshelf of every clematis lover. However clematis registration continues year on year and the supplements provide an essential updating service.

This publication should be available from RHS literature sources, notably the RHS website at www.rhs.org.uk/ and the Wisley Gardens shop in Surrey, UK.

The Society is aware that, assuming the cost of post and packing is broadly similar to that charged for the first supplement, purchasing one copy for a non-UK resident member can be prohibitively expensive. As before, the Society strongly recommends that members consider grouping together and placing a single order for multiple copies. The Society is willing to assist members if it can, please contact the Editor.

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@ K.Woolfenden

All information contained at this site is personal to Ken Woolfenden and
does not represent the official view of the International Clematis Society.