I.Cl.S. - Clematis Discussion Forums

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The British Clematis Society also has a Facebook page as does the Friends of the Rogerson Clematis Collection (FRCC) Rogerson Clematis Garden.

There are a number of Facebook Groups which you can join to share photos of what is in bloom in your garden now and to ask for advice. Note: for Public Groups anyone can see the post while for Closed Groups only group members can see the post.

Click on the name of the group below to be taken to the Facebook Group if you are a Facebook Member:

Note for the Closed Groups below you have to apply to be a member of the group before the links will work:

There are several Internet chat rooms which are still used for questions regarding clematis:

Continue to select from the left hand menu, or use the link at the end of any page to return to the I.Cl.S. Homepage.

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@ K.Woolfenden

All information contained at this site is personal to Ken Woolfenden and
does not represent the official view of the International Clematis Society.