At the Constitutional General Meeting held in Dublin in 2006, the Society created a new category of membership - Nursery Membership.
Ordinary Membership provides a single vote and single benefits and is irrespective of country of residence.
Nursery Membership, also for one or two people at the same address, providing a single vote and single benefits, irrespective of country of residence. It is available to Clematis Nurseries and to other related commercial organizations.
As a Nursery Member, you will get the following additional benefits over and above ordinary membership:-
- An entry in the Society's journal, Clematis International. This will typically be a 3 or 4 line text item included at the end of the Journal and giving your name, contact details and minimum relevant trading details, for example Retail or Wholesale.
- Membership List - duplicate Nursery information at the end of the Membership List or a separate document issued to members.
- An entry on the Society's Website, on a dedicated page for Member Nurseries. This will include the details in Item 1 (above) and can include a link to your own Web Site.
The Society will also send you a Nursery Membership payment receipt for your records on request.
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