Clematis 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™

Clematis of the Month for June 2024

Described by Pascale Krüger

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™©Pascale Krüger

A young C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™

Clematis 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ has everything when you are looking for an eyecatcher on your patio, balcony and of course your garden. It will start flowering at a height of 50cm and can grow up to 150cm to 180cm. It is very floriferous with flowers of around 10cm big and easy in maintenance which makes it, in my opinion, an all-round plant.

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ has an elegant appearance with it's pointy, white flower sepals. When the flower starts to open you will see a stripe of green in the centre of the sepal and red purple stamens, as in the photo above. Sometimes a greenish colour remains slightly on the sepals when fully open, but the beautiful white colour will always be dominant. The filaments are light purple and the stamens turn silver due to the pollen.

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ buds©Pascale Krüger

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ buds

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ full flower©Pascale Krüger

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ full flower

It creates flowers from May till September and will flower all through the season up until it's final height. It has lovely seedheads so if you don't prune the flowers during the season you can enjoy a handsome plant full of seedheads at the end of summer.

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ reverse side©Pascale Krüger

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ reverse side

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ floriferous plant©Pascale Krüger

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ floriferous plant

C. 'Evipo110'(N) TSUKIKO™ prefers a spot in half shade with some morning or evening sun. It is always advisable to apply a layer of mulch on top of the soil. By doing so the plant will experience less stress during hot days, because the soil will keep moisty more easily. By pruning the plant hard during autumn you will have an energetic and healthy plant during spring.

Pascale Krüger Pascale Krüger

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@ K.Woolfenden