International Clematis Registrar
Clematis Registration Form
Clematis Registered in 2018
Clematis Registered in 2017
Clematis Registered in 2016
Clematis Registered in 2015
Clematis Registered in 2014
Clematis Registered in 2013
Clematis Registered in 2012
Clematis Registered in 2011
Clematis Registered in 2010
Clematis Registered in 2009
Clematis Registered in 2008
Clematis Registered in 2007
Clematis Registered in 2006
Clematis Registered in 2005
Clematis Registered in 2004
Clematis Registered in 2003
Clematis Registered in 2002
Clematis Registered in 2001
Clematis Registered in 2000
Clematis Registered in 1999
Clematis Registered in 1998
Clematis Registered in 1997
Clematis Registered in 1996
International Clematis Registrar
After nearly 13 years in post as the International Clematis Registrar, appointed by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) of Great Britain which is the International Registration Authority for Clematis, Duncan Donald has decided to stand down from this role. We thank Duncan for the time and effort he has put into his work and the help and advice has has given the Society over the many years.
I am pleased to announce that the RHS has now appointed a successor, Sarah Holme. The Society looks foward to working with Sarah in the future. The Registrar has two functions; firstly, to complete and maintain the Register of existing Cultivar names, and secondly, to register new Cultivar names.The International Clematis Register
The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 is now out of print, however supplements to it are available from the RHS web site. You can also download the Register and all the supplements as .pdf files from this website. They have the advantage of being electronically searchable. Because of the file size of the Register itself, approximately 25 Mbytes, Society members wanting a copy can email Ken Woolfenden, I.Cl.S. Webperson and Editor, at icls editor, who will return a download link. This will save the RHS time and effort.
Registration of Clematis
There is no charge for registration of a new Clematis Cultivar, or for the issue of a Certificate of International Registration. Names proposed should be in accordance with the latest edition of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, details of which are available the Registrar. However, even after registering a name, you should make sure that it, and a description of the cultivar, are published, for example in a nursery catalogue, otherwise someone else could legally use the same name. Finally, if you registered any Clematis cultivars between 1986 and 1995, please check in the Register that they have been published and if not, please contact the Registrar as soon as possible.Clematis Registration Form
A copy of this form is available on the RHS website, in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format and in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Please visit the Clematis cultivar registration page on the RHS website. For a free Adobe Acrobat reader please click hereOnce completed and signed, please submit your form(s) to the address below:- International Clematis Registrar
c/o RHS Garden Wisley
GU23 6QB
Email: The International Clematis Society fully endorses the work of the International Clematis Registrar and urges all clematis lovers to encourage breeders to register varieties. You can find out more about the registration role of the Royal Horticultural Society by visiting their web site. Last time we checked it could be found at, though it does have a history of being moved around. If this link doesn't work I suggest you follow the RHS menu through Plants / Plantsmanship / Registration / Clematis. Return to top of page
The following Clematis were registered in 2018:
C. 'Aldonis'
C. apiifolia 'Jaio Yang'
C. chinensis 'Xia Yun'
C. 'Chris'
C. 'Emma Joan'
C. finetiana 'Zhi Yin'
C. 'Galactica'
C. hancockiana 'Wei Li'
C. 'Lavender Beauty'
C. 'Little Mo'
C. 'Lovely Elga'
C. 'Madam Wemyss'
C. 'Madame Jeanne'
C. 'Marilyn'
C. 'My Maiga'
C. patens subsp. tientaiensis 'Qing Kong'
C. 'Pink Beauty'
C. 'Princess Meghan'
C. 'Strawberry Splash'
C. 'Susie'
C. 'The Jewell'
C. 'The Two Maureens'
C. uncinata 'Fan Xing'
C. 'Victoria Welcome'
C. 'Zo08159' MYOSOTIS
C. 'Zo08160' SPOTLIGHT
C. 'Zo09112' SUPER CUTE
C. 'Zo11112' SUPER NIGHT
C. 'Zo12153' MANDY
C. 'Zo12220' ISABELLA
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2019 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2019 are available to members of the International Clematis Society. Return to top of page
The following Clematis were registered in 2017:
C. 'Dianna Jazwinski'
C. 'Galaxy'
C. 'Gunvor'
C. 'Kaśka'
C. 'Miss Buch'
C. 'My Darling'
C. 'Pink Crispa'
C. 'Sue Reade'
C. 'Tiny Moll'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2018 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2018 are available to members of the International Clematis Society. Return to top of page
The following Clematis were registered in 2016:
C. 'Amaneku'
C. cadmia 'Yunxiang'
C. 'Clotted Cream'
C. courtoisii 'Little Purple Heart'
C. 'Harry's Double Blue'
C. integrifolia 'Stanislav Mamaev'
C. 'Kanda-gawa'
C. 'Kenhelen'
C. 'Kongō'
C. 'Lech Kaczyński'
C. 'Lilac Wine'
C. 'Maria Kaczyńska'
C. patens 'Kanasashi'
C. patens subsp. tientaiensis 'Tiantaibai'
C. 'Raspberry Ripple'
C. 'San-san'
C. 'Sylviorna'
C. 'Ton Hannink'
C. 'Zo08080' WHITE PEARL
C. 'Zo08111' PALETTE
C. 'Zo08169' ANNABELLA
C. 'Zo09063' SEA BREEZE
C. 'Zo09073' WONDERFUL
C. 'Zo11056' RED PASSION
C. 'Zo11154' PARADISO
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2017 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2017 are available to members of the International Clematis Society. Return to top of page
The following Clematis were registered in 2015:
C. 'Änisen Leena'
C. 'Anna Tounta'
C. 'Anni Irina'
C. 'Anniseed'
C. 'Carlien'
C. 'Catherine Penny'
C. 'Change of Heart'
C. 'Copernicus'
C. courtoisii 'Daiyu'
C. 'Effie Dewey'
C. 'First Love'
C. 'Jane Ashdown'
C. 'Katja Tellervo'
C. 'Kiss of Spring'
C. montana 'Georgia'
C. 'Mountain Glory'
C. 'Peggy West'
C. 'Princess Charlotte'
C. 'Ruby Celebration'
C. 'Ruby Tuesday'
C. 'Sir Edward Elgar'
C. 'Spring Velvet'
C. 'Tuhkimo'
C. 'Zo06128' FREEDOM
C. 'Zo09067' LUCKY CHARM
C. 'Zo09086' NOORA
C. 'Zo09088' SUPER NOVA
C. 'Zo09113' PERNILLE
C. 'Zo09124' PICOTEE
C. 'Zo09143' ESTHER
C. 'Zo12053' SPRING JOY
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2016 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2016 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2014:
C. 'Azure Ball'
C. 'Blue Cover'
C. 'Blue Explosion'
C. 'Blue Pillar'
C. 'Cloudburst'
C. 'Emma'
C. 'Grunwald'
C. 'Hazel'
C. 'Innocent Glance'
C. 'Lisa'
C. 'Marie Skłodowska Curie'
C. 'Mazurek'
C. montana var. montana 'Da Yun'
C. 'Morning Sky'
C. 'Mrs Hardwick'
C. 'Skyfall'
C. 'Stefan Franczak'
C. 'Sweet Summer Love'
C. terniflora 'Early Snow'
C. 'Vancouver Danielle'
C. 'Vancouver Fragrant Star'
C. 'Vancouver Morning Mist'
C. 'Vancouver Sea Breeze'
C. 'Viva Polonia'
C. 'Zo08095' LIBERTY
C. 'Zo09045' BLUE OCEAN
C. 'Zo09085' ASTRA NOVA
C. 'Zo09087' ROSALYN
C. 'Zomonch' MON CHERRY
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2015 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2015 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2013:
C. 'Barbara Houser'
C. 'Charlotte'
C. 'Delightful Scent'
C. 'Diamond Ball'
C. 'Innocent Blush'
C. 'Laura Jayne'
C. 'Lemon Beauty'
C. 'Lemon Dream'
C. 'Lily the Pink'
C. 'Pink Dream'
C. 'Pink Swing'
C. 'Prince George'
C. 'Purple Dream'
C. 'Rosemarie Ann'
C. 'Scented Clem'
C. 'Seena'
C. 'Sparkle Plenty'
C. 'Tim's Passion'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2014 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2014 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2012:
C. 'Apollonia'
C. 'Arctic Blue'
C. 'Bolam Belle'
C. 'Brian Temple'
C. 'Buckland Pixie'
C. 'Carol Klein'
C. 'China Surprise'
C. 'Chrissie Wright'
C. 'Fiona Woolfenden'
C. 'Forget-me-not NLP1'
C. 'Happy Anniversary'
C. 'Jean Cumpston'
C. 'Ken'
C. 'Killdeer'
C. 'Lavender Twirl'
C. 'Maria Băsescu'
C. 'Mary Habberley'
C. 'Ocean Pearl'
C. 'Paradise Queen'
C. 'Pink Giant'
C. 'Pink Whiskers'
C. 'Remembrance'
C. 'Rendezvous'
C. 'Ribble Red'
C. 'Romance' (New Leaf Plants)
C. 'Ruby Wedding NLP2'
C. 'Sanssouci'
C. 'Sharpie'
C. 'Shimmering Lanterns'
C. 'Shirley Slade-Bennett'
C. 'The Duchess'
C. 'Vancouver Starry Nights'
C. 'Wedding Day'
C. 'White Frill'
C. 'White Giant'
C. 'Windmill'
C. 'Zobadol' BABY DOLL
C. 'Zobast' BABY STAR
C. 'Zoexci' EXCITING
C. 'Zomoa' MON AMOUR
C. 'Zosor' SORBET
C. 'Zotrym' TRY ME
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2013 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2013 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2011:
C. 'Alan Blyth'
C. 'Ben's Beauty'
C. 'Elbflorenz'
C. 'Erika'
C. 'Gräfin Cosel'
C. 'Ines Sickert'
C. 'Jean Caldwell'
C. 'Little Laura'
C. 'Our Jean'
C. 'Radebeul'
C. 'Reetta Lotta'
C. 'Richard's Picotee'
C. 'Schloß Pillnitz'
C. 'Sofia Kaisa'
C. 'Sweetie'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2012 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2012 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2010:
C. 'Advent Bells'
C. 'Cherry Blossom'
C. 'Double Star'
C. 'Festival'
C. 'Hanna'
C. 'Honcho'
C. 'Kjell'
C. 'Kōzō'
C. 'Lyydia'
C. 'Miguel Viso'
C. 'Mrs Mavis Darlington'
C. 'Pied Piper'
C. 'Purple Blush'
C. 'Roelie'
C. 'Saara Emilia'
C. 'Sixten's Gift'
C. 'Supernova'
C. 'Vitiwester'
C. 'Zoang' ANGELA
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2011 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2011 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2009:
C. 'Aksel'
C. 'Aria'
C. 'Beautiful Bride'
C. 'Black Ice'
C. 'By The Way'
C. × diversifolia 'Benedikt'
C. 'Doctor Mary'
C. 'Elly Elisabeth'
C. 'Flip'
C. 'Hayley Westenra'
C. 'Imke'
C. 'Inge Augsburg'
C. 'Jaan'
C. 'Kaiser'
C. 'Kinju Atarashi'
C. 'Krakowiak'
C. 'Królowa Jadwiga'
C. 'My Super Star'
C. 'Nirwana'
C. 'Nocturne'
C. 'Oberek'
C. 'Picasso'
C. 'Sara'
C. 'Spring Essence'
C. 'Stagione'
C. 'Triibu'
C. 'Tudor'
C. 'Van Gogh'
C. 'Viola'
C. 'Vistula'
C. 'Werner's Polarlight'
C. 'Whoopi'
C. 'Zoiamha' I AM HAPPY
C. 'Zoiamlj' I AM LADY J
C. 'Zospi' SPIKY
C. 'Zosusk' SUNNY SKY
C. 'Zotwi' TWINKLE
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2010 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2010 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2008:
C. 'Akane no tsubo'
C. 'Andrew Van Laeken'
C. 'Center Star'
C. 'C.G. Dahl'
C. chiisanensis 'Korean Beauty'
C. 'Dorothy Barbara'
C. 'Emily Meriol'
C. 'Essex Star'
C. 'Felicia'
C. 'Foxtrot'
C. 'Irene'
C. 'Kahori no kimi'
C. 'Kasumi no kimi'
C. 'Luxuriant Blue'
C. 'Mellissa'
C. 'Murasaki no ue'
C. patens 'BCL 721' SUNNA
C. 'Snow Bells'
C. 'Yugao'
C. 'Yugiri'
C. 'Zoblueriver' BLUE RIVER
C. 'Zoeastri' EAST RIVER
C. 'Zojohnhowells' JOHN HOWELLS
C. 'Zostarri' STAR RIVER
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2009 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2009 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2007:
C. 'Ada Moon'
C. 'Aida'
C. 'BCL 1239'
C. 'Best Wishes'
C. 'Dark Eyes'
C. 'Debbie Fischer'
C. 'Destiny'
C. 'Esprit'
C. 'Fay'
C. 'Felicity'
C. 'Hot Lips'
C. 'Irisevi'
C. 'Jurry'
C. 'Louise Pummell'
C. 'Marion Willson'
C. 'Marjan'
C. 'Merlin's Magic'
C. 'Rob Hannink'
C. 'Shapira'
C. 'The Blue Cross'
C. 'Together'
C. 'Varenne'
C. 'Wildfire'
C. 'Zoiamladyq' I AM® LADY Q
C. 'Zojogo' JOLLY GOOD
C. 'Zooct' OCTOPUS
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2008 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2008 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2006:
C. 'Barry'
C. 'Bieszczady'
C. 'Blue Chip'
C. 'Buckland Cascade'
C. 'Cornish Spirit'
C. 'Etta'
C. 'Hornessy'
C. 'Jana von der Birke'
C. 'Jolly Jake'
C. 'Kerstin Thümmler'
C. 'Kristina Böttger'
C. 'Madame Kayo'
C. 'Magga'
C. 'Mazowsze'
C. 'Mazury'
C. 'Mrs Harvey'
C. 'New Prince'
C. 'Poldice'
C. 'Skylark'
C. 'Tsunami Child'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2007 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2007 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2005:
C. 'Albino Sprite'
C. 'American Beauty'
C. 'Antje'
C. 'Bacchus'
C. 'Basilisk'
C. 'Beautiful Meteor'
C. 'Blue Mist'
C. 'BUGA München 2005'
C. 'Chijimi'
C. 'Clione'
C. 'Cockatrice'
C. 'Dionysus'
C. 'Dusky'
C. 'Everett'
C. 'Fire of Marlene'
C. florida 'Monique'
C. 'Geoffrey Tolver'
C. 'Giuseppi Verde'
C. 'Gojõgawa'
C. 'Green Eyes'
C. 'Happy Diana'
C. 'Haru-no-yume'
C. 'Hypnos'
C. ianthina 'Josie's Midnight Blue'
C. 'Ice Queen'
C. 'Kaori'
C. 'Lantern Light'
C. 'Lucy Elizabeth'
C. 'Lynne'
C. 'Madame Michiko'
C. 'Maria Cornelia'
C. 'Mizue'
C. 'Moon Drops'
C. 'Night Veil'
C. 'Nina Banham'
C. 'Pale Princess'
C. 'Paris Collection'
C. patens 'Agazuma-yae'
C. 'Perida'
C. 'Perseus'
C. 'Pink Pride'
C. 'Purple Rain'
C. 'Rasputin'
C. 'Red-spotted Beauty'
C. 'Reverie'
C. 'Riviera'
C. 'Rosamunde'
C. 'Rusty Swords'
C. 'Sakurafubuki'
C. 'Scarlet Yoki'
C. 'Seikõ'
C. 'Seserage'
C. 'Silhouette'
C. 'Silvanus'
C. 'Siren'
C. 'Small Boy'
C. 'Soirée'
C. 'Stephanie'
C. 'Sunny Side'
C. 'Suzanne'
C. 'Tie Dye'
C. 'Titipu'
C. 'Ukigumo'
C. 'Urania'
C. 'Warszawska Olga'
C. 'Whirligig'
C. 'Wide Boy'
C. 'Yoimatsuri'
C. 'Y's Pearl'
C. 'Zolibe'
C. 'Zomy'
C. 'Zorero'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2006 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2006 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2004:
C. 'Atlas'
C. 'Axolotl'
C. 'Barbara Ann's Lace'
C. 'Beni-no-kagayaki'
C. 'Blue Meteor'
C. 'Blue Planet'
C. 'Bright Eyes'
C. 'Capriccio'
C. 'Carol Leeds'
C. 'Centaurus'
C. 'Chameleon'
C. 'Chameleon 2'
C. 'Chimera'
C. 'Christopher'
C. 'Curly'
C. 'Darling'
C. 'Denim'
C. 'Dimples'
C. 'Double Delight'
C. 'Finn'
C. 'Fiona'
C. florida 'Thorncroft'
C. 'Flutter'
C. 'Gisela'
C. 'Gwendolin'
C. 'Hornet'
C. 'Innocence'
C. 'Jan Fopma'
C. 'Janus'
C. 'Karina'
C. 'Keguri'
C. 'Little Pinkie'
C. 'Lorna's Star'
C. 'Lössnitzperle'
C. 'Mejiro'
C. 'Mood Indigo'
C. 'Moonshadow'
C. 'Overture'
C. 'Pamina'
C. 'Pearl of Richmond'
C. 'Pegasus'
C. 'Pink Star'
C. 'Prelude'
C. 'Red Queen'
C. 'Rosebell'
C. 'Salamander'
C. 'Shangri-la'
C. 'Shiguri'
C. 'Shinku-no-kagayaki'
C. 'Sirius'
C. 'Sophie'
C. 'Stanislaus'
C. 'Suzy Mac'
C. 'Swedish Bells'
C. 'Symphony'
C. tibetana subsp. vernayi 'Glasnevin Dusk'
C. tibetana subsp. vernayi 'Lorcan O'Brien'
C. 'Unicorn'
C. 'Unicorn 2'
C. 'White Crinkle'
C. 'White Dream'
C. 'Wolfie'
C. 'Wyvern'
C. 'Yellow Starlight'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2005 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2005 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2003:
C. 'Angela's Double'
C. 'Annemieke'
C. armandii 'Little White Charm'
C. 'Bal Maiden'
C. 'Blue Pirouette'
C. 'Bowl of Beauty'
C. 'Carol Lim'
C. 'Chacewater'
C. 'Dãrta'
C. 'Dirk Chevalier'
C. 'Dundaga'
C. 'Fascination'
C. 'Fond Memories'
C. 'Hendryetta'
C. 'Jerzy Popieluszko'
C. 'Jutta'
C. 'Kaupo'
C. 'Killifreth'
C. 'Lech Walesa'
C. 'Little Bas'
C. 'Little Butterfly'
C. 'Livzeme'
C. 'Maija'
C. 'My Angel' ENGELINA
C. 'New Love'
C. 'Nunn's Gift'
C. 'Pink Delight'
C. 'Polonez'
C. 'Purple Spider'
C. 'Queen of Holland'
C. 'Shorty'
C. 'Sidrabdancis'
C. 'Solidarnosc'
C. tibetana subsp. vernayi var. laciniifolia 'Tibetan Gem'
C. 'Tibetan Mix'
C. 'Treasure Trove'
C. 'Turaida'
C. urophylla 'Winter Beauty'
C. 'Vince Denny'
C. 'Zilaiskalns'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2004 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2004 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2002:
C. 'Apricot Star'
C. 'Berkeley Square'
C. 'Debbie's Star'
C. 'Frilly Pants'
C. 'Joyful Star'
C. 'Pink Rave'
C. 'Shirley Star'
C. 'Slowianka'
C. 'Starlet'
C. 'Sweet Mystery'
C. 'Wee Willie Winkie'
C. 'White Rosebud'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2003 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2003 are available to members of the International Clematis Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2001:
C. 'Brewster'
C. 'Carnival'
C. 'Christine'
C. cirrhosa var. purpurascens 'Jingle Bells'
C. × diversifolia 'Amy'
C. × diversifolia 'Lauren'
C. 'Doctor Penelope'
C. 'Fairydust'
C. 'Michelle'
C. 'Sheila Thacker'
C. 'Sprinkles'
C. stans 'Rusalka'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2002 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2002 are available to members of the International Clematis Society or an associated Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 2000:
C. 'Ai-Nor'
C. 'Aliide'
C. 'Alo'
C. 'Anastasiia Anisomova'
C. 'Anti'
C. 'Aoife'
C. 'Bal Tsvetov'
C. 'Barbara'
C. 'Betty Risdon'
C. 'Blonde'
C. 'Blue Eclipse'
C. 'Broughton Bride'
C. 'Broughton Star'
C. 'Bryzgi Moria'
C. 'Buckland Longshanks'
C. 'Buckland Maiden'
C. × cartmanii 'White Cascade'
C. 'Christian Steven'
C. 'Daugava'
C. 'Denny's Double'
C. 'De Vijfhoeven'
C. 'Diana'
C. 'Divaja'
C. 'Dora'
C. 'Dusky Star'
C. 'Eetika'
C. 'El Pinko'
C. 'Entel'
C. 'Estrella'
C. 'Evi'
C. 'Gigante'
C. 'Hania'
C. 'Helen Cropper'
C. 'Huvi'
C. 'Iti'
C. 'Julka'
C. 'Juuli'
C. 'Kaaru'
C. 'Kamennyi Tsvetok'
C. 'Kanskar'
C. 'Karla'
C. 'Kasmu'
C. 'Kaunitar'
C. 'Ketu'
C. 'Ketu Õde'
C. 'Kirsi'
C. 'Klaara'
C. 'Koduehe'
C. 'Koiva'
C. 'Kommerei'
C. 'Kompliment'
C. 'Kose'
C. 'Kotkas'
C. 'Kozetta'
C. 'Külli'
C. 'Lamille'
C. 'Lauma'
C. 'Laupäev'
C. 'Laura Denny'
C. 'Lesnaia Opera'
C. 'Little Guy'
C. 'Loki'
C. 'Lumivalgeke'
C. 'Lusti'
C. 'Mari'
C. 'Marmori'
C. 'Memm'
C. 'Mikelite'
C. 'Mr Vanunu'
C. 'Morning Yellow'
C. 'Motiiv'
C. 'Moto'
C. 'Nakts'
C. 'Olimpiada-80'
C. 'Optimist'
C. 'Perle'
C. 'Piilu'
C. 'Pille'
C. 'Pink Starlight'
C. 'Pirko'
C. 'Pulmapäev'
C. 'Rahvarinne'
C. 'Rassvet'
C. 'Reiman'
C. 'Reino'
C. 'Reiu'
C. 'Ristimägi'
C. 'Rituaal'
C. 'Romantika'
C. 'Roobu'
C. 'Rutu'
C. 'Saalomon'
C. 'Saliut Pobedy'
C. 'Samantha Denny'
C. 'Sandra Denny'
C. 'Silvi'
C. 'Sinee Plamia'
C. 'Sireen'
C. 'Sizaia Ptitsa'
C. 'Sylvia Denny'
C. 'Taevasina'
C. 'Taktika'
C. 'Talunik'
C. 'Tamula'
C. 'Tartu'
C. 'Teele'
C. 'Tentel'
C. 'Tiiu'
C. 'Tiivi'
C. 'Treve'
C. 'Trikatrei'
C. 'Uhtsi'
C. 'Valle'
C. 'Vanessa'
C. 'Vasara'
C. 'Vesma'
C. 'Veste'
C. 'Vihma'
C. 'Viking'
C. 'Virve'
C. 'Vivienne Lawson'
C. 'Vöimula'
C. 'Yours Truly'
C. 'Zagadka'
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2001 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2001 are available to members of the International Clematis Society or an associated Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 1999:
C. 'Buckland Beauty', Great Britain
C. 'Cragside', Great Britain
C. 'Daira', Latvia
C. 'Dominika', Poland
C. 'Dunajec', Poland
C. 'Lidia', Poland
C. 'Mellow Yellow', New Zealand
C. 'Pink Cameo', USA
C. 'Piotr Skarga', Poland
C. 'Rozalia', Poland
C. 'Trimda', Latvia
C. 'Wanda Rutkiewicz', Poland
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 2000 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 2000 are available to members of the International Clematis Society or an associated Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 1998:
C. 'Allanah', New Zealand
C. 'Alpinist', Ukraine
C. 'Ania', Poland
C. 'Aotearoa', New Zealand
C. 'Balerina', Ukraine
C. 'Baltyk', Poland
C. 'Black Prince', New Zealand
C. 'Boulevard', Great Britain
C. 'Brinums', Latvia
C. 'Chaika', Ukraine
C. 'Crinkle', New Zealand
C. 'Czarna Madonna', Poland
C. 'Dacite', Latvia
C. 'Dorota', Poland
C. 'Elegiia', Ukraine
C. 'Fantaziia', Ukraine
C. 'Gauja', Latvia
C. 'Giant Star', New Zealand
C. 'Gunta', Latvia
C. 'Honora', New Zealand
C. 'Ialtinskii Etiud', Ukraine
C. 'Izabela', Poland
C. 'Jenny Keay', New Zealand
C. 'Leoni', Great Britain
C. 'Vicky', Great Britain
C. 'Matka Urszula Ledóchowska', Poland
C. 'Nikolai Rubtsov', Ukraine
C. 'Phil Mason', Great Britain
C. 'Prince Charles', New Zealand
C. 'Rosebud', New Zealand
C. 'Snow Queen', New Zealand
C. 'Star Burst', New Zealand
C. 'Vejin', Latvia
C. 'William Keay', New Zealand
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 1999 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 1999 are available to members of the International Clematis Society or an associated Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 1997:
C. 'Alionushka', Ukraine
C. 'Biriuzinka', Ukraine
C. cirrhosa var. purpurascens 'Lansdowne Gem', New Zealand
C. 'Iubileinyi-70', Ukraine
C. 'Iunost', Ukraine
C. 'Kosmicheskaia Melodiia', Ukraine
C. 'Luther Burbank', Ukraine
C. 'Monty Zary', Canada
C. 'Nadezhda', Ukraine
C. 'Pamiat Serdtsa', Ukraine
C. 'Paul Farges', Ukraine
C. 'Purple Haze', Great Britain
C. 'Serenada Kryma', Ukraine
C. 'Special Occasion', Great Britain
C. 'Zolotoi Iubilei', Ukraine
A description of each of these cultivars is given in the 1998 Journal. Copies of Clematis International 1998 are available to members of the International Clematis Society or an associated Society.
The following Clematis were registered in 1996:
C. 'Amelia Joan', Great Britain
C. × cartmanii AVALANCHE 'Blaaval', Great Britain
C. 'Blue Ravine', Canada
C. 'Dorothy Tolver', Great Britain
C. 'Joanna', Great Britain
C. 'Moonbeam', Great Britain
C. 'Magic Star', New Zealand
C. 'Pink Minnie', New Zealand
C. 'Primrose Star', New Zealand
C. 'Starlight', New Zealand
C. 'Sunrise', New Zealand
C. 'Pat Coleman', Great Britain
C. 'Vanilla Cream', Great Britain
C. 'Waterperry Star', Great BritainThe 1996 registrations are listed here for information